8 best low-maintenance garden tips for Aussie homes

1 December 2024

best low-maintenance garden

 Like many homeowners, I’ve struggled to find the best low-maintenance gardens for my home. Alongside juggling work, kids and family, it can feel like gardening is a chore – not a love labour.

Yet, I’ve discovered that some of the best low-maintenance gardens are within grasp – just by selecting the right ornamental features and plant life and understanding the local environment.

A 2023 survey by ABC revealed that over ¾ of Aussies enjoy gardening as a hobby. But managing a fine work/life balance can put the green dream on edge.

Thankfully though, several tricks and tips make gardening a breeze. Ones that don’t require relentless hours of labour under the sun. Strategies that have proven successful even for a novice like me. But what are some of the best low-maintenance garden tips for busy Aussies?

5 Tips To Having Successful Low-Maintenance Gardens - JimsMowing.com.au

Alternate lawn substitutes

Dream homes always showcase the same idyllic lawn. Neatly mowed, bright green and pristinely shaped. Achieving that look and maintaining it regularly. It is nearly impossible unless you have hours up your sleeve.

I’ve found that ditching the grass lawn can be an easy alternative. It doesn’t mean either that your backyard has to become a concrete wasteland. Far from it. There are plenty of options to choose from including:

  • Artificial Turf
  • Pebble/Stone Garden
  • Wood Chips/Coloured Bark
  • Decking/Slabs

All these options provide a great basis for the best low-maintenance gardens for your home. I won’t lie – it takes some time to get them into place. But once everything is finished, they are easy to maintain.

Using fake grass or artificial turf gives a great illusion. It drains well, looks the part and is well-suited for all weather conditions. Before you lay it though, I recommend placing weed mats underneath to prevent unwanted shoots from dislodging the turf!

If you decide on ornamental features like stones, bark or gravel, then make it the focal point of the yard. I find combining it with paving slabs is perfect for shaping an ornate section. One that is both easy to maintain and easy on the eye!

Choosing the right plants

For some, gardening means creating huge flower beds or veggie patches that require hours of care to yield results. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with natural colour or being self-sufficient with food.

However, it takes a lot to achieve this. Pruning dead leaves, installing pest protection and strict watering schedules. This isn’t something that many of us have time for in our schedule. But thankfully there are alternative planting options. Ones that don’t require hours of daily TLC. So what plants work well for the best low-maintenance gardens?

How To Grow And Care For English Ivy In The Garden | Gardening Know How

Climbing Plants

Many people think of climbing plants as a nuisance. Some see ivy or creeping plants as a potential hazard or leaving a messy look. But that’s hardly the case. These are a great addition to any home. What do we mean by climbing plants? This could include anything such as:

  •  Ivy
  • Wisteria
  • Honeysuckle
  • Vines

Climbing plants provide plenty of options for low-maintenance gardens. They are great features for bare walls or fences giving a natural colour and look. They only require minimal watering too – I’ve found weekly watering perfect for them.

They don’t just have to be decorative though. Some also provide fruits for eating too. Some vine types such as passionfruit or coral pea also make for great additions to the kitchen. It’s a great bonus that can accentuate the best low-maintenance gardens in Australia.

Low-moisture plants

When it comes to low-moisture plants, we’re talking about plants that don’t require lots of water to survive. These plants aren’t just those that are designed for the desert though.

Of course, cacti are always the most obvious choice. These not only come in all shapes and sizes but they are so simple to maintain. Cacti make great features in any environment – so they could fit a stony path, a fringe bed or outright in their pot.

But there are other plant types you can consider too. Succulent plants are also a good choice with some species like jade great for any spot on the lawn. What makes succulents great for gardens is their hardiness too. Many can survive both harsh frosts and scorching summers. So it doesn’t matter if you are in Bathurst or Newcastle, these will survive in any environment.

Evergreen plants

Seasonal plants can look great. I love seeing daffodils in spring just like everyone else. But constantly switching plants to match the seasons requires a lot of time up your sleeve. That’s why if you are creating a flower bed, use plants that flower all year round.

These aren’t difficult to find. Some families like lavender and camellia flower all year round. What this means is they can grow and flower for months with minimal maintenance required. It’s a great match of colour and purpose that makes for easy maintenance. Pruning or de-heading is only required once every 6 months – perfect for a low-maintenance garden setup.

Why should you mulch your garden, when should you do it and what type should you use? - ABC News

Best low-maintenance garden strategies

Selecting the right plants and setting for your garden is a great starting place for an easy-to-maintain garden. However, I’ve found that to keep this going, you can employ a few strategies to make life even easier out in your garden. So what can you do?

Use mulch when planting.

Mulch is a great gardening tool. It’s easy to get hold of and inexpensive too. But it is the perfect aid for extending natural life in the garden.

For starters, it’s a great way to trap moisture in the ground. Moisture droplets are easily absorbed by mulch layers making it easier for the roots to soak it up. This not only extends a plant’s lifespan but reduces the amount it needs watering.

Furthermore, mulch can be just as decorative as it is purposeful. Bark mulch can be mixed up with dirt and shaped neatly around a plant base. It’s a great way to form neat borders in a bed but also provide your plant life with the support they need.

Use local vegetation

Exotic plants can look great. They can be the piece de resistance of any homely garden. But exotic plants don’t always survive well outside their natural climate. So think carefully about what grows well in your region. There’s no point buying dozens of tropical plants if you suffer harsh frosts during the winter.

That’s why I’ve found that planting flowers that are naturally suited to your local climate is the most rewarding experience. They naturally thrive from the changing seasons and won’t require excessive watering or pruning to keep them going. It’s why when I’m planting, I always consider factors such as:

  • Water Neediness
  • Resistance to hot/cold weather
  • Flowering time

By looking at these aspects, you will soon know how well a plant is suited to your region. If it’s a perfect match, then natural rainfall and temperatures help them grow with minimal fuss. It makes the ideal basis for adding colour and life to your low-maintenance garden.


As you can see, it’s not difficult to create the best low-maintenance garden for your home. It’s not something that requires a great amount of knowledge or expertise. Even for a gardening novice like myself, just simply picking the right plant life goes a long way. Simple climbers, shrubs or cacti add colour and décor to your garden – with minimal fuss required. Even using local species goes a long way especially if you add mulch when planting them.

Of course, it’s not just about selecting the right plants. Transforming a garden works too. By ditching grass lawns, you can create an idyllic landscape from a blank canvas. Why not shape ornate pebble pathways or try the bait-and-switch with fake turf? Either works just as well to create an appealing backdoor setting.

No matter what option you choose, there are plenty of ways to create a low-maintenance garden for any Aussie home. It’s why I think the best low-maintenance gardens work for anyone, anywhere and anytime.

To seek out how garden features can improve your home’s value, speak to a Wise Buy Home Lender for guidance today.

Our property experts can give you all the advice you need to work out the best way to shine on the market today. Speak to our team today to see how having one of the best low-maintenance gardens around accentuates your property needs today.