Use our free calculators

Borrowing power calculator (NSW)

Estimate how much you can borrow for your home loan with our free online borrowing power calculator. Enter your details to view your borrowing capacity and estimated home loan repayments.

Whether you're looking to get onto the housing ladder, upgrade your home or add to your property portfolio, money is key. Get an idea of how much you could borrow with our borrowing power calculator.

Keep in mind that this is just a rough guide. Each borrower and every lender is different. While the calculator is a good guide, you can get a more accurate number by getting a free quote or by calling our team of brokers on 02 4961 4985. We'll research more than 60 lenders on your behalf to make sure we get you the best deal for your circumtances.

For more help understanding your house purchasing costs, look at our repayment calculator and our budgeting tool.